Home Insurance Most Common Pet Insurance Claims

Most Common Pet Insurance Claims

If you have a furry, feathery, or scaled pet, chances are good that you purchase yummy snacks, plush beds, and a ton of toys to keep your best friend happy.

Aside from all the enjoyable activities, maintaining your pet’s health is a key priority. This entails regular veterinary checkups and medical care if your pet is experiencing health issues.

Have you been wondering what the most common pet insurance claims are and how to go about them? Keep reading!

One option to reduce some of the costs of a pet’s medical treatment is through pet insurance.

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How The Claims Process For Pet Insurance Works

Owners of pet insurance policies will often have to pay for veterinarian services out of pocket before filing a claim.

Due to the reimbursement-based business model of pet insurance, this is true. In some rare circumstances, the insurer pays the veterinarian directly. However, not all veterinarians approve of this, and only a few pet insurance provide it.

The pet owner often pays for the necessary medical care and then submits a claim to the insurer to get reimbursed.

Following the approval of the claim, the insurer will send the owner the money if the veterinarian’s care is covered.

The insurer will subtract the deductible, which is the sum the policyholder must pay before the insurance begins to pay.

 When an animal owner submits a claim with their pet insurance, the copay amount will also be subtracted from the amount paid if there is a copay.

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How To Submit a Claim To Your Provider for Pet Insurance

Once you have all the required paperwork, it’s time to submit a pet insurance claim. The particular instructions will differ depending on the supplier, but these are the fundamental procedures you must adhere to.

1. Visit the website of the insurer

Check your policy paperwork on your provider’s website or mobile app to discover if the claim you intend to file is covered. Depending on the insurance, you might be able to start the claims procedure by calling them, or you might need to submit your claim entirely online.

2. Get a pet insurance claim form.

Others employ digital forms that you may submit online, by email, or directly through your account portal, while some carriers need you to download and print out a pet insurance claim form.

3. Don’t be afraid to go into detail

Depending on the pet insurance claim form, you may be required to enter different details, but the following ones are almost certainly required:

  • breed, species, and name of your pet
  • Date of incident* and medical history
  • the rationale behind your veterinary visit
  • The veterinarian’s name, address, and phone number
  • clinical evaluation
  • advised course of action
  • Itemized expenses paid out-of-pocket

4. Include any necessary paperwork.

Verify the supporting documentation that must be included with your pet insurance claim. A few examples are a bill of service, an invoice or quote, a payment receipt, and duly attested medical documents.

Some pet insurance providers let you submit digital images of these documents straight from your smartphone, while others demand that you scan them and send them via email, fax, or regular mail.

5. Send the application to your insurance company.

Please verify that all of the information you provided was accurate and comprehensive, and then verify the necessary documents one more time to make sure it was submitted. Finally, submit the claim to your insurance company after making sure everything is in order. Keep copies of all your paperwork on hand until the claim is paid after submitting your paperwork.

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How Can I Submit a Claim?

Typically, certain documentation is needed in order to submit a pet insurance claim. For example, the following documents must typically be submitted by pet owners to be reimbursed for covered veterinary care:

  • a bill with specifics listing the services offered at the veterinary visit
  • a form of claim supplied by the pet insurer
  • Veterinary records that prove the treatments were given for a covered disease or injury and not a pre-existing condition will be required.
  • Information on how to request reimbursements, such as a bank account number or mailing address for a check

How To Keep Your Claim From Having Problems

Issues might occasionally occur when a pet owner submits a claim under their pet health insurance. But a policyholder might take a few precautions to prevent problems with the payment for covered veterinarian services. The following advice can be useful:

  • Check to see if the procedure is covered. Before filing a claim, owners should carefully study their pet insurance coverage. Find out if the coverage covers the services or if they are not.
  • Consider obtaining pre-approval: certain pet insurers will examine a service request before the owner pays the veterinarian. The payments for the veterinarian services can have prior approval from the insurance. By doing this, owners can avoid incurring costly expenses out of pocket and being shocked when their pet insurer doesn’t cover them.
  • Follow these directions to submit a claim: Pet insurance companies will give you a form and directions. It’s crucial to follow the instructions properly. This entails providing all necessary documentation and fully completing the form.
  • Please submit all required documentation. Include any other requested information, including medical records and a thorough description of the treatments, with the pet insurance claim.
  • File the claim as soon as possible: Don’t put off filing a claim because some insurance companies have deadlines and won’t pay for care if a pet owner waits too long.
  • Immediately respond to inquiries for more information: If a pet insurer demands more information, don’t wait to give it to them.

Most Common Pet Insurance Claims

1. Skin Problems

Skin Problems
Skin Problems | Most Common Pet Insurance Claims

Your four-legged pal is likely to experience one of the more than a hundred pet skin disorders at some stage. The most prevalent skin conditions that affect cats and dogs are listed here:

  • Atopy, or atopic dermatitis, is brought on by an allergy or hypersensitivity to indoor and outdoor allergens like dust mites, mold spores, pollen, grass, and trees. Commonly afflicted sites include the feet and ears, where infections can grow and cause discharge and scabbing. Your cat or dog may have atopy if they constantly scratch and lick themselves. Atopy is a frequent ailment that affects pets.
  • Fungal infections like ringworm are extremely contagious and can affect humans and animals. The skin typically develops circular, hairless spots that are crusty. Depending on the severity of the infection, a medicated shampoo or oral medication may be used for treatment.
  • Fleas. Flea allergies can develop in cats and dogs, leading to serious skin problems. Flea prevention items can aid in preventing the problem, but they must be used on both the pet and their bedding. Treatment options include topical steroids, antibiotic shampoos and creams, oral antihistamines, and steroids.

Skin issues shouldn’t be ignored because they can make your pet very uncomfortable and result in other health difficulties. Instead, take your four-legged pet to the vet when you detect them excessively licking, biting, or scratching themselves.

2. Gastrointestinal Disorders

Gastrointestinal Disorders
Gastrointestinal Disorders | Most Common Pet Insurance Claims

Different gastrointestinal (GI) tract digestion diseases are common in cats and dogs. This frequently results from:

  • dietary transgression brought on by your pet eating table scraps or other forbidden items
  • Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas caused by eating foods that are hard on the pancreas (such as high-fat foods), certain drugs, or both.
  • Worms and parasites that frequently spread when a pet consumes fragments of an infected animal’s feces

The intestine usually has to run its course when it comes to treatment choices for canine or feline diarrhea. However, if symptoms last longer than 48 to 72 hours, you should see your veterinarian.

They might suggest litterbox tips or home treatments for canine diarrhea, but if the stool is dark, tarry, or bloody, they’ll probably want to check your pet and order a fecal flotation test.

Oral steroids like pet prednisone may be administered to animals with chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

3. Ear Infection

Ear Infection
Ear Infection | Most Common Pet Insurance Claims

Both dogs and cats can have ear infections, though canines appear to get them more frequently, according to frequent pet insurance claims.

Otitis interna, otitis media, and otitis externa are the three types of ear infections that can affect pets, depending on which ear region is impacted. Although outer ear infections can be uncomfortable and unpleasant, if they continue and affect the inner ear, they can cause neurological harm and possibly deafness.

There are numerous factors that can lead to pet ear infections, such as bacterial overgrowth, allergies, rashes, mites, and even cancer.

4. Seizures

Seizures | Most Common Pet Insurance Claims

Heatstroke and brain damage are only two causes of seizures in pets. However, after consuming poisonous things like insecticides, plants, drugs, or specific human meals, an animal without a history of seizures may begin to experience them.

Pets can experience epilepsy as well. Certain breeds of dogs are more prone to developing idiopathic epilepsy than others, including:

  • French Bulldogs and Poodles
  • Border Collie dogs
  • Labrador retrievers and beagles.

5. Infections of the Urinary Tract

Infections of the Urinary Tract
Infections of the Urinary Tract | Most Common Pet Insurance Claims

A bacterial infection that can affect any section of the urinary tract is typically referred to as a urinary tract infection (UTI).

Dogs frequently experience UTIs, but cats experience them much more frequently. In addition, UTIs are more likely to occur in older cats as complications of other diseases, most frequently diabetes mellitus, hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s disease), or chronic renal disease.

Which component of the urinary system is contaminated determines the symptoms. The most common area of involvement is the bladder, which causes symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, smelly urine, inability to hold pee, straining to urinate, blood in urine, etc.

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Most Common Pet Insurance Claims Frequently Asked Questions

How can I submit a claim?

Typically, certain documentation is needed to submit a pet insurance claim. For example, to obtain payment for covered veterinary services, pet owners typically need to submit the following:

  • a bill with specifics listing the services offered at the veterinary visit
  • a form of claim supplied by the pet insurer
  • Veterinary records that prove the treatments were given for a covered disease or injury and not a pre-existing condition will be required.
  • Information on how to request reimbursements, such as a bank account number or mailing address for a check

How long does it take to process claims?

When filing a claim with their pet insurance, owners might be eager for compensation. However, the precise time it takes to process a claim depends on several variables. Different insurance companies provide varying reimbursement promises. Delays could also happen if an insurer needs to check the validity of a pet insurance claim.

However, on average, a claim will often be reimbursed in two weeks or fewer.

Why was my insurance claim for my cat rejected?

For a variety of reasons, insurance companies could deny pet insurance claims. It happens most commonly because the problem is thought to be pre-existing. As previously stated, if this occurs, you have the choice to contest the denial by submitting an appeal.

You may still purchase pet insurance even if your four-legged pal has a pre-existing condition, and it will cover illnesses unrelated to the condition.

After a claim, do pet insurance premiums increase?

Many other insurers limit coverage with unstated restrictions and exclusions to produce more affordable goods, or they charge lower rates to draw in new clients while dramatically raising them when clients file claims. We operate differently, providing the finest veterinarian fee coverage without raising premiums in response to specific claims.

Do pet insurance premiums rise after a claim?

Many other insurers charge lower rates to attract new customers while significantly boosting them when those consumers make claims, or they limit coverage with unstated restrictions and exclusions to manufacture more affordable goods.

We uniquely conduct business, offering the best veterinary fee coverage without increasing rates in response to certain claims.

Is there a comprehensive pet insurance plan that covers everything?

Even the finest pet insurance policy doesn’t cover everything. A “comprehensive” pet insurance policy is often described as an accident and illness plan with optional wellness coverage. Pre-existing conditions that cannot be cured are not covered by any pet insurance policy.

Pre-existing conditions that cannot be cured are not covered by any pet insurance policy. For instance, you wouldn’t be compensated for diabetes-related medical costs if your pet had the disease before you bought a pet insurance policy.

Most Common Pet Insurance Claims Conclusion

Like almost all other types of insurance, pet insurance is something you purchase in the hopes that you never need it.

However, if you need to claim your pet insurance, the procedure could be foreign to you, particularly if you’re a new policyholder. We’ve produced this guide to help you navigate the procedure with the least amount of hassle and misunderstanding. You should be able to maximize the use of your pet insurance by following our instructions.
