Home Career and Jobs What is NGO? How to Register NGOs

What is NGO? How to Register NGOs

Speaking of an NGO, some may wonder what is this really about? An NGO can be defined or identified as a non-governmental organisation. It is an association of persons whose aim are to help the needy, support the poor without any self-interest attached.

It is not a part of government just like I stated above, these are set of persons who are not controlled or owned by government, and do not exist to make profit, but its existence is to serve the masses rather than their own individual interests.

Before I proceed, I’ve come to discover a lot of persons have this undying passion to do something worthwhile for the poor, less privileged, the widows, the unemployed, including the youths and the society at large. some individuals has taken it as a responsibility to achieve this goal, but being a citizen of Nigeria, we can attest to the fact that Nigeria practices a democratic system of government and we may not be in the system as politicians or law makers in the country before we can give back to the society and that is where the idea of setting up a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Nigeria serves as a medium to render charity at-large to the country, as it serves as a means of contributing to the society.

However, the non-governmental organization(NGO) formed in Nigeria has been raised astronomically to this affects, more credits will be given to the ongoing authorities in the country in relation to the international organizations. So many persons stands the Chance to believe it is as the result of country’s pressing needs to extend more helping hands so the people for different reasons.

The essence of this post is to enable you know The Cost of Registering an NGO in Nigeria. Currently, for everyone who has the desire to give back to the society but don’t know how to go about it, this article is just for you! The Procedures to Registering or becoming a part of NGOs in Nigeria has been stated step by step.

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cost of registring NGO in Nigeria - Techbmc
how to join and register for NGO in Nigeria – Techbmc.com

How Much will it cost to Register an NGO in Nigeria (2023)

Even as the NGO is getting rapid in Nigeria recently, there isn’t a specific amount needed for its registration because, the amount to be paid differs inevitably depending as the case may be. But however, the Price of registering an NGO in Nigeria is between the sum of 120 thousand naira (N120,000) to 200 thousand naira (M200,000), and it is important to also know that the variation in this price recorded is dependent on the kind of NGO you want to form.

See Also: Cost of Nigerian International Passport

There are certain amount been charged by lawyers that is also to help in the process and other basic charges.

Necessary Documents Needed For an NGO Registration in Nigeria 2023

The process involved in registering an NGO in Nigeria is not really monotonous as such in fact, as long as you have the required documents you won’t have an issue. let me give you a quick guide on the important documents for an easy registration.

Below are the things needed and should be made available when asked for:

  1. Two copies of application form signed by the chairman and secretary body or association origin of the minutes of guides meeting appointing the trustees listing all present members in the voting pattern.
  2. Trust declarations form properly disposed of each trustee in the high Court (Nigeria)
  3. Claims of property acquired and ownership with an impression of a stamp on the application form.
  4. The origin of minutes of the meeting where all rules was taken in the constitution and of the organization and signed by the chairman and secretary.
  5. The original newspaper publication and bank draft for the fee given.
  6. A formal letter of application, two copies of applicants constitution, two copies of application by the Secretary and chairman of the body and association.

Procedures for Registering an NGO in Nigeria

Starting or creating an NGO in Nigeria is not really as discouraging as some may view it, even though the process might be quite confusing for anyone who isn’t in the system. Normally, it shouldn’t put any serious anxiety for those who are already used to it. but however, to ensure you don’t have so many issues around this process you can follow this procedure as shown below step by step.

Get your plan in mind:

I think for anyone trying to start anything worthwhile, this is the first thing to do in order not to get confused You should get your plan in mind. This process is about you and your proposed Organization and goals. In a plain Word, States your organization’s potential mission and interest. You should be able to define the activities your organization will be involved in and the possible ways to accomplish them in time to come.

Choose a name for your NGO:

If you think it’s simple then you need to think again because, you need to choose a suiting name for your organization and it’s not just about choosing a name but it has to be a name in collaboration to the purpose of your NGO existence. You need to ensure the name speaks about the mission of your NGO and it is also important to choose more than one name because there is every tendency that such names might have been taken by a similar NGO group.

The Appointment OF Trustees is required:

Let me briefly give you a hints on what trustees is all about, these are set of persons or a person formed under the protection and guidance of an NGO.

This is one dedicated aspect of the process, because you need to select someone qualified to be appointed as a trustee.

Please note: The person should be trustworthy and a trustee must not be less than 18 years of age and must never have been found questionable of any offence.

Time to get an accredited solicitor involved:

Another delicate process is to consult a solicitor. The solicitor will help control pre and post incorporation cases in most official and legal ways. The solicitor will also help in the possible ways to control or run a name availability search and this is one of the most important step to ensure that your name selected, is not yet used.

And if it happens that the name is not available, then you will have to choose another name and this time, the solicitor will help you select a name and reserve it till the process is completed.

Also note that the name availability and registration will become accomplished within 48 hours by a corporate affairs commission (CAC) qualified solicitor.

The publication Notice:

After the name of this NGO has been reserved, the solicitor you have chosen will also make sure he publishes in the three National dailies which one of them is the local news that can actively circulate in the area or any location you have chosen for your NGO.

Draft a Constitution

The next and relevant step to take is to draft a constitutional guide for the organization, this process is mainly done by the owners of the NGO and the solicitor. So it’s expected that these two persons work in hand to avoid any form of error or inconveniences, the two must be present to add more things or minus from the already existing Constitution written. The constitution should also include the aims and objective of the organization including the board member’s names, the trustee statement of purpose and mission, visions including it’s short and long-term goals etc

Documentation and Incorporation:

In this process, it is very important that your solicitor will have to admit all necessary documents which must include; a well completed application form, confirmation of newspaper publication, a letter of application, copies of organization constitution etc. the list of the needed documents as stated in the previous section.

The submission and filing of documents

After you must have gotten to this stage, all you need do, is to put all your documents together while your solicitor goes to get them filed in the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) for the incorporation of that organization.

The Collection of Your NGO certificate:

Once you have gotten to this point, the Corporate Affairs Commission then grants a certificate of incorporation to the organization through your solicitor and once you’ve gotten to this stage it’s been noted and made official. You can therefore, go to any bank of your choice and open an official bank account for your NGO.

Non-governmental Organization 

From above, we believe we have given you enough updated information on how to apply ngo, Price or how much it will cost you to register online, and most of the requirements for ngos application form, as well as how to go about the sample of constitution needed. wikipedia