Home Career and Jobs Real Estate Online Zoom Meeting tips For Real Estate Agents – Clients

Online Zoom Meeting tips For Real Estate Agents – Clients

Due to the corona virus outbreak, zoom meeting online app has become an important technology for people including those in the real estate business. Although its importance can’t be underestimated, there are some people who are not familiar with it, therefore finding it confusing or uncomfortable. In order to help you, today, we will be sharing quick and easy tips on using zoom professionally for your online meetings with clients.

1. Ensure to integrate Zoom With Your Calendar

Either using Outlook or the popular Google Calendar, integrating Zoom with your calendar will enable you to schedule your meetings with clients or your teammates/colleagues as fast and easy as possible.

2. Upload your smart looking Profile Picture – image

Zoom permits you to upload a profile picture to your zoom account. This picture also shows on people’s screen whether you’re online or not. If there’s no profile picture, your name or an empty icon is what’s shown when your computer is offline.

3.  Ensure to Update Your Zoom Security Settings

Zoom bombing is when hackers, uninvited, interrupt your zoom meeting. However, zoom has advanced its security measures. Go to your Settings in zoom, and create a meeting room password which every invited person in the meeting should get. You can also create a waiting room so the meeting admins will admit every invitees , then lock the meeting immediately it starts . All these precautions are necessary to prevent zoom bombing or any other uncomfortable experience from occurring.

zoom meeting tips

4. To Succeed, Dress for success

Although you are working from home, d not dress like you are at home. Dress like how you would dress if you’re in a board meeting or a meeting with a client. You dressing appropriately will enhance your professionalism and build your brand.

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5. Use Good virtual background for Zoom Meetings

How does your Background look like? If your office or your home office doesn’t look so appealing, you can go for a virtual background. On the internet, there are so many backgrounds you can have access to. You can simply use Google search or other websites like IKEA or west elm.

6. Use Engaging Presentations

Another great tip for making an impact on your clients is to use presentations. Not only are they a great tool to showcase your data but also help clients understand your products and services better. Using tools visually appealing free PowerPoint templates can help you create comprehensive and engaging virtual presentations to communicate better with your clients.

7. Your appearance is vital

Ensure to look your best on camera for all zoom meetings. You can even do some more to enhance your appearance like:

  • Setting the camera directly to your face
  • Making use of a ring light
  • Go to zoom settings and click on touch up my appearance.

With all these, you are indeed ready to go conduct meetings in zoom. All the best!