Home Technology Are Robocalls About to Be Made History?

Are Robocalls About to Be Made History?

While many of us have received cold calls in the past, robocalls are a more modern menace.  A robocall occurs when a dialler system calls a phone number automatically and relays a recorded message.  They are easy to set up and are becoming increasingly common.

However, international law remains shaky on robocalls.  Any kind of shady sales tactic should, by rights, be stopped in its tracks.  However, robocalls have so far dodged most calls to outlaw. That is, it seems, until this month.

US Lawmakers vs Robocalls: Enough is Enough

Recent news shows that certain lawmakers in the US have had enough of robocalls altogether.  “There are few things worse (than robocalls),” Vermont Senator Randy Brock states.  Therefore, Brock is laying down a bill to make these types of call illegal.

It’s thought that the average US citizen received almost 180 robocalls each in 2019.  It is not just senators who are pushing back against the technology. Some tech giants and innovators want to use their knowledge and their power to do good for people who are still getting harassing calls.

However, this might involve a fair amount of untangling.  Unfortunately, cold calling and robocalls are still rife, and still, make lots of money.  It may be a long road ahead. Something needs to happen to support businesses, too, who find that people are dodging important calls in fear.

Who Uses Robocalls?

Robocalls are a modern phenomenon.  Like social media, online casinos such as ComeOn, and digital streaming services, it’s becoming a common facet of living in the digital age.  But who benefits from them?

Businesses do, ultimately.  They are the perfect tool for telemarketing, for recruitment, and general advertising.  During election periods, robocalls are also common in automating canvassing. However, their use is famously frowned-upon.

While there may be some surprising trends emerging in tech, there are also suppression emerging, too.  Some technology, it seems, can actually be a hindrance.

How to Fight Back

There are many ways consumers can fight back against robocalls.  The simplest way is to either ignore any numbers you don’t recognize or to change your number.  However, this can be a major hassle.

Therefore, many people are getting smarter about robocalling.  Some innovators have created online tools to give robocallers a taste of their own medicine.  Believe it or not, it is perfectly possible to robocall a robocaller!

There are also blacklists and call blockers which help to stem the flow.  However, US Senators believe more needs to be done to help citizens.

What’s Next?

We will need to wait and see quite what future robocalls have in the months to come.  The US is already regulating these calls but is keen to push back even further.

If you’re receiving robocalls, don’t panic.  Hang up the phone, make a note of any numbers you don’t recognise and ask your telephone provider for more information.  Once the US starts fighting back, other countries will likely follow suit.