Home Computer Tips How To Lock Computer Folder With Password Without Using Any software

How To Lock Computer Folder With Password Without Using Any software

Windows Computer users can now lock their folders with
the use of password without bordering to use any form of Software or
application for protecting their folders from others having access into it. You
can achieve the purpose of locking your PC Windows operating system folders, be
it (Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 98, and many other
versions.) Just with a simplified trick of Notepad hack and then your file and
Desktop folders will be locked and hidden, protecting your privacy.

So in this post, I will be teaching all with some new
basic tips on how to set a security lock on a computer folder with a password
for free. In other words, by creating a batch file which I have already
explained below with steps, those of your chosen folders which you wish to be
hidden and locked, will be locked and as well require a password in order to
unlock whenever any user want to access it. This becomes so important whenever
you want to secure your documents or files like, Bank financial statements,
images/pictures, music, Videos, eBooks in pdfs and many more you wish to secure
from someone hacking through it or for any other purpose.

Check Out:

are major frequent asked questions that this tutorial Has solution for:
  • How do you password protect a folder in Windows 10?
  • How do I password protect a video file?
  • How do you lock a folder?
  • Can you password protect a folder in Windows?
  • How do you put a password on a folder in Windows 7?
  • How can I lock my pictures on my MacBook?
  • How do you lock a Mac?
  • How do I password protect a zip folder?
  • How do you put a password on a folder Mac?
  • What is Folder Guard?

Follow the steps below in order to get the solution to the
asked questions above.

To Password A Computer Folder For Free Without Any Software/Application in Use.


First of all, Open Your PC Notepad
You can locate your PC Notepad either by searching, or
via Start Menu, or by right-clicking inside any folder, then select New >> Text Document.

and Paste the below given code with text into the document.
Now copy the codes below as pasted here.
if EXIST “Control
Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDPrivate
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p “cho=>”
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private “Control
attrib +h +s “Control
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p “pass=>”
if NOT %pass%== wonderhowtogoto FAIL
attrib -h -s “Control
ren “Control
Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End
3. Now edit the Folder Name and Password to your own test of use.
Haven the text pasted in, to adjust the locked folder’s
name and the password that will be used to unlock the folder, change default
folder name from above text from “Private”
to your own choice of name. And change the default password from “wonderhowto” to any of your
choice of password.

4. Save the Batch File
Here, you can save the file with whatever name you wish
to use but ensure to save the name with “.bat”
extension at the end of the and then select “All files” in the
drop-down box when saving it. (For example, I choose to name my own folder with
“Mike” so this is how it
will look like Mike.bat Remember to
adjust the save location if you opened Notepad directly rather than using the
right-click method.
computer new folder lock

When you save the file, it will look like this in the
folder you choose:

pc computer folder lock

>> 5. Create Folder
Next thing to do, is to double-click
on the batch file which you just created ( or you may choose to select and hit
on Enter). Now, you should notice a new folder that will show up.
computer folder lock video

So at this very stage, you can proceed to add your files
and documents to the folder. And also, you can always add to remove any of your
files or documents from it later.

6. How to lock the PC Folder
If you are done with adding your files to the newly
created folder, and ready to lock it, then simply double-click on the batch
file. (or you can simply select and hit the Enter button), then ensure to choose
‘y’ on the window that will pop up,
and click the Enter button again.
computer folder lock without software in hindi

Now your folder should be locked and hidden.

7. How to Access Your Hidden And Locked Folder Free
Now in order to access your hidden folder so as to unlock
it, just double-click on the batch file, and type the password you set for
unlocking it and then click on the Enter button to open the folder.
folder lock for windows 7 free download full version with key

After you must have opened the folder and access what you
wish to check, and still want to re-lock as well as hiding the folder again. Then
hit the batch file again. That’s all. You can still name the batch and folder
whatever you want it to bear and have this trick in multiple locations on your
Windows machine Personal Computer.

This is all you need to know on How to set security lock
code for free to any Computer or Desktop Folder, without the Use of any sort of
third party software/application but just with a Password only. Share this post
if you find it useful and do well to follow me on Google plus here or via the
side bar of this site where you see Follow.
Thank you.